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Latest lectures for the Distinguished Lecturer Program

In my role as Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE Solid-State Circuit Society (SSCS), I have recently given a few talks at SSCS chapter around the world.

The title of my talk was:

“Cryogenic CMOS Interfaces for Large-Scale Quantum Computers”

I gave a brief overview of how quantum computers will change our world and gave a glimpse of how they work. But most importantly I introduced the audience to the role that electrical engineers and integrated-circuits (IC) designers have in the development of those wonderful machines. ICs operating at cryogenic temperatures will be a fundamental enabler of large-scale quantum computers!

Current quantum processors comprise only a few quantum bits, or qubits, (less than 100) and can then be directly wired to room-temperature electronics (see figure). However, quantum computers will need thousands or even millions of qubits to address relevant problems. Since it is impossible to use thousands of cables to connect the cryogenic qubits to room-temperature electronics, we must develop a cryogenic and integrated electronic interface to relieve constraints on wiring and thus enable large-scale quantum computers.

The last lectures included:



Moving the electronic interface form room-temperature to cryogenic temperature will enable large-scale quantum computer.


Co-designing CMOS circuits and quantum processors: new paper at DATE 2018

Designing a quantum computer is not an easy task. Recently, we developed a  methodology (and the relative tools) to co-design electronic circuits and quantum bits (qubits).

It will be presented at the DATE 2018 conference (Design, Automation and Test in Europe) in March in Dresden (Germany).

Check out our work if you want to simulate qubits in Cadence next to your CMOS circuit:

  • Jeroen van Dijk, Andrei Vladimirescu, Masoud Babaie, Edoardo Charbon, Fabio Sebastiano, “A Co-design Methodology for Scalable Quantum Processors and their Classical Electronic Interface”

2 papers at ISSCC 2018!

The following 2 papers have been accepted for presenation at the 2018 International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) (a.k.a. the chip Olympics)!

  • Ç. Gürleyük, L. Pedalà, F. Sebastiano, K. A. A. Makinwa, “A CMOS Dual-RC Frequency Reference with ±250ppm Inaccuracy from -45°C to 85°C”
  • S. Karmakar, B. Gönen, F. Sebastiano, R. Van Veldhoven, K. A. A. Makinwa, “A 280μW Dynamic-Zoom ADC with 120dB DR and 118dB SNDR in 1kHz BW”

Check out the ISSCC 2018 technical program